Monday, September 21

Saturday, September 19

VBScript - 3. Add Resources of the Script

If you had visited my previous blogs ,  you are left from where we need to see the Script that is open needs to be added with resources/check them. Below are the previous which you can take a look
VBScript - 1 . Launching QTP
VBScript - 2 . Connecting to QC/Open QC test

Lets move on to see how can we check the resources that are existing are the right ones and if not add from latest path.

Friday, September 18

VBScript - 2 . Connecting to QC/Open QC test

 This is in continuation of VBScript - 1 . Launching QTP

Connecting to QC
In previous section, the code mentioned dealt with launching QTP using VBS script. Lets move on to see how we can connect the QTP that we have launched can  be connected to Quality center.

We shall check if by any chance QTP is already launched( previous section code) and also already connected to QC
Below lines get the status whether QC connection already exist

Thursday, September 17

VBScript - 1 . Launching QTP

As many are aware that QTP tool has good compatibility with VB script. VB Script like any scripting langaugae has quite good advantages and when combined with automation, it certainly provides power packing abilities.

To start with , this being my first blog, I would like to mention How would I like to unfold the topics.


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